Two New Songs to Start The Year
Dual Release
The two new songs are titled “Lord I Wanna Sing” and “Count On You”.
Towards the end of 2020, my team and I were planning staggered releases of these tracks. Suddenly through the guidance of the spirit, it just felt like the right time to double it up.
I pray that the lyrics in these songs speak to all who hear them. Through the power of music, the Lord’s message will be delivered.
The work of standing firm is far from over. 2020 was full of trials and tests of our faith. At the end of it all, our faith still stands.
The phrase Faith over Fear was printed on everything and blasted on yard signs in our neighborhoods this past year. That is a testimony that through it all, our Faith will raise up in all of us.
Photo provided by Zac Durant on Unsplash